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Our Products

Better Cooking, for
Making cooking easier, safer and more climate-friendly.
Better Cooking, for
Reducing negative health impacts of household air pollution.

Better Cooking, for Everyone!
Increasing women's time and safety while reducing drudgery.

25 million rural households will be impacted by 2030
We are in the News

25 million rural households will be impacted by 2030
We are in the News
Our Awards

कहानी उस स्टार्टअप की जिसने हजारों महिलाओं के ‘आंसू’ पोंछ डाले, 10 लाख परिवारों में पहुंचाई खुशहाली

This Social Enterprise Solved a Unique Business Problem – Marketing to Women in a Man’s World

Together, we can build a more sustainable future.
We work hard to improve the lives of rural households. And we’re able to continue making a difference thanks to a talented army of collaborators and supporters. Greenway has impacted millions of lives. We’ll impact millions more. Help us make a difference.
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